Wednesday 6 May 2015

Tubo dismount

Tubo dismount is a good game where you Have to get a score and get a higher score.

Stair dismiss

Stair dismount is a good game where you Hato get a score it's like tubo dismount.

Mi biing awesome

Iem awesome at  danceing and runing and  I'm awesome at lego and playing.

Turbo dismount

Turbo dismount is a fun game where you hafto get a score then bit it


A bit about my life. We are paleo,  that means that we don't eat milk or cheese (well we eat a litte bit) and we don't eat grains. Today's breakfast I had sauce of spinach and tomato and a sausage. For lunch I had chicken and salad.  Today I played with Mia.


My tennis is fun I play games the games are fun I play games on Friday and Tuesday.